Ever stepped onto a treadmill, hit the start button, and launched forward?
Or jabbed controls mid-run, gripped the side rails, and hoped to high heaven you’ll stay upright?😅
We’ve all been there.
But I’ve got you with a few treadmill running tips, so you can go from ’am I doing this right?’ to ‘I totally got this’.
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How to get started running on the treadmill

Your pre-run checklist (don’t skip these!)
✅ Find the emergency stop key and button. Clip it to your shirt or bottom (‘cause face-planting is not part of the deal).
✅ Stand on the side rails first (you want to be on solid footing!) before hitting the start button. Get the belt going at a slow enough speed that you can step on safely
✅ Start with a walk to warm up (2.5–3.5 mph), then ease into your run when you’re feeling it.
Nailing your running form
✅ Look ahead! Your body will go where you look. Looking down at your feet? You might lose your balance + swerve off the ‘mill. So, look ahead to avoid wiping out!
✅ Loosen up those shoulders and let your arms swing freely, just like you’re going for an easy walk.
✅ Aim to land midfoot, not your heel. It’ll soften your landing so you’ll keep your joints happy and pain-free.
✅ Handrails? Only if you really need ‘em. Grabbing them makes you lean forward and hunch over…(hello, neck and back pain) And tbh, you can hold your own.
Let’s talk about all those treadmill buttons

Get started with this beginner treadmill running plan
Beginner walk-run (20–30 min)
• Warm-up with 5-10 min brisk walk (3.0–3.5 mph)
• Run 1 min (4.5–5.5 mph)
• Walk 2 min (3.0–3.5 mph)
• Repeat 6–8 times
• Cool-down with a 5 min easy walk (2.5–3.0 mph) to ease your heart rate back down
✨Pro tip: Your run, your pace. The speeds here are only suggestions, so there’s no need to push the speed on your first run. Just find a pace that feels right for you!
Not sure what to do next? Don’t just stand there!
Snag these 5 beginner-friendly treadmill workouts in the shop and get moving!
What not to do on a treadmill

🚫 Skipping the warm-up. A quick 5-10 minute warm up gets your blood moving, wakes up your muscles, and gets you into run mode. 1
🚫 Holding onto the handrails. They’re there for support…just not during a run.
They’ll mess with your form and stops your core and stabilizing muscles from doing their job.
So let your arms swing naturally—your balance will be better, and your run will actually work with you, not against you.
🚫 Setting the incline too high. Cranking up the incline? You’ll feel the burn, for sure.
But I’d encourage you to start on a flat road and build up.
This way, you’ll have time to adapt to running on the treadmill. And, you’ll get stronger without feeling like you’re climbing a mountain on day one.
🚫 Forgetting to sip water. Treadmill running means extra sweat, since there’s no outdoor breeze to save you. So sip water and skip feeling dizzy or crampy mid-run.

- Warm Up, Cool Down, American Heart Association ↩
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