*Endless scrolling, hoping to find an inspiring running doc* …nothing… So let’s change that, shall we? I’ve got you covered with this list of the best running docs (at least, according to me). Consider this your new algorithm… I’m here to recommend the ones I’ve loved and I’m pretty sure you will too. Sure, we […]
How to stay motivated while running on the treadmill: 6 game-changing tips
Let’s be real—treadmill running can be mind-numbingly boring. With no changing scenery and the clock staring at you in the face…time has slowed to a crawl. But here’s the good news: You can save yourself from this boredom with these 6 treadmill running tips. Ready to shake things up? Let’s get started. 6 Game-Changing Tips […]
Cyclist with a busy schedule? 3 top ways to help you get a ride in
Are you a cyclist struggling to find time amidst your busy schedule? It can feel challenging to squeeze in a ride when time is tight. But today, you’ll find three top strategies to help you make cycling a regular part of your routine. 3 top tips to help you get a ride in 1. MAKE […]
The best cycling documentaries to watch now
You don’t have to be a cyclist (though it doesn’t hurt) to appreciate a good cycling documentary. You’ll find the best cycling documentaries listed here range from the informative; to the inspirational; and the wildly dramatic (see current fave: Icarus). Let’s dive in. THE BEST CYCLING DOCUMENTARIES TO WATCH NOW Eat. Race. Win. (2018) Is there anything […]
Why some runs feel harder and the useful tips you need to know
Did you go for a run only to return with the question, “Why was my run so hard today?” Why are some runs harder than others? You’ve come to the right place because here, we’ll dive into why some runs are so hard and what you can do to make your next run easier. WHY […]
Running safety tips: Must-have running safety gear and tips for your solo runs
Imagine yourself lacing up your running shoes and setting off on a sunrise run. The sun’s barely peaking over the horizon, and the world is still fast asleep. You inhale the crisp morning air, feeling alive with every step. But amidst this serenity, there’s a nagging concern that many runners can relate to—running safety. How […]
5 cycling motivation tips to lift your motivation to ride your bike
Are you stuck between wanting to ride your bike yet somehow don’t have the cycling motivation to go for a ride? And have you been wondering, ‘how can I get motivated for cycling?’ You’re in the right spot because today we’ll talk about the five ways you can jump-start your cycling motivation and get back […]
The 11 best inspiring running books to read now
There’s an abundance of great running books out there, so which book should you pick up first? (Hint, one of these inspiring running books.) You’ll find these best running books will inspire, provide valuable training tips, and make you laugh at the realities of being a runner. (And if you’re a new runner, you […]
11 best cycling training books to help you boost your cycling performance
Are you curious about cycling training books that will help get fitter, stronger, and faster? If you are, then this post is for you, especially if you’ve blasted through the new cyclist* stage and you’re ready for more. The recommendations in this list can help you progress your fitness, boost your cycling speed, strengthen your […]
How to recover from marathon training burnout and avoid it in the future
Are you struggling with marathon training and can’t bear the thought of lacing up your shoes for another training run? Were you on a roll with your training but then lost momentum? You might be facing marathon training burnout. And this can happen to any runner training for a marathon. You’re cycling between stress (running) […]