Ever been mid-ride, staring down an endless stretch of road, and suddenly it hits—your legs feel like lead and everything feels harder than it should? **cue silent scream** What was I thinking?! Yes…we’ve all been there and it is totally normal. So how do you push through it? Should you even? Maybe….let’s talk about it. […]
Are you cycling with no power in your legs? Tips you need to know
Ever hit the road only to find your legs feeling like weights? Your brain is telling your legs to turn, but they just…won’t. Frustrating, yes? …so let’s dive into why your legs might be throwing a power outage tantrum. I’ve been there too, and am sharing what I’ve learned. Maybe it’ll help you too? So […]
Cycling alone? Essential tips you need to know
It’s Saturday morning and you’ve FINALLY decided that today is THE DAY. The day you set off alone to explore the world by bike. Just you and the open road. It’s gonna be great. But wait. Do you have everything you need? Is it safe?! Will you even enjoy it?? *breathes in and out of […]
The best running mantras to use on your run
POV: Your hand hovers over the remote, staring at the Netflix prompt: ‘Are you still watching?’ *hesitating* Do you binge one more episode or finally ditch the couch for a run? When the couch 🛋whispers, “Stay awhile,” a mantra like “I can do hard things” can give you the push you need to get moving. […]
Running in the rain? 5 top tips for running in the rain
“Is it safe to run in the rain? What running in the rain tips do I need to know?” If those questions are on your mind and you’re looking for tips on how to make your rainy runs more enjoyable, you’ve come to the right place. Running in the rain can be a refreshing experience, […]
The best mental toughness books to read now
We’ve all heard it before—mental toughness is the key trait that helps you reach your fitness goals. But how do you—a cyclist or runner—build and train mental strength? Enter this list of best mental toughness books that can walk you through building these essential skills. THE BEST BOOKS ON MENTAL TOUGHNESS MENTAL TOUGHNESS BOOKS The […]
Running in hot weather? How to stay cool in the heat
Running in hot weather can make you wish for crisp, cool fall days. But how do you stick to your running routine when the weather feels like a sauna? Is it safe to run in hot weather? The good news is you don’t have to hit pause on your running until fall to make the […]
How to stay cool when cycling in the heat | Cycling in hot weather tips
With temperatures rising, you may be wondering, “Is it ok to bike in hot weather?” (You can if you pay attention to the heat index.) “What should I wear on a hot day bike ride?” (What you put on your body should center on UV protection.) But there are even more cycling in hot weather […]
Tired legs after cycling? Here’s what you need to know and do
“Why are my legs so tired after cycling?” Feeling tired after cycling and having heavy legs after cycling isn’t unusual when you’ve worked—or maybe even overworked—your muscles. So what should you do next? And how can you stop feeling so tired after cycling? That’s what we’ll dig into here in this post. We’ll talk about […]
4 top tips on how to return to running after an injury
Got this question? “How should I return to running after an injury?” Should you jump right back into running? Or start from scratch? The short answer is, that it depends on your injury and the length of time you took off from running. The longer you have been away from running, the more time you […]