Returning to running after a break can be challenging—sometimes even more daunting than starting from scratch. We find ourselves comparing our current abilities to what we used to accomplish: the paces we could sustain and the weekly mileage we once conquered. It’s frustrating, but here’s a sliver of good news—despite how it feels, you’re not […]
Running in hot weather? How to stay cool in the heat
Running in hot weather can make you wish for crisp, cool fall days. But how do you stick to your running routine when the weather feels like a sauna? Is it safe to run in hot weather? The good news is you don’t have to hit pause on your running until fall to make the […]
Got tired, heavy running legs? Here’s what to do
Do you have this question, “Why do my legs feel heavy when I run?” You may have had a great run yesterday, but your legs today feel like weights. Are you wondering what’s going on and why your legs feel so heavy when running? The brief answer to your question is heavy legs from running […]
Tempo runs for runners: A how-to guide to boosting your running speed
If you’ve been around the running community for even a short while, you probably have heard some running words like tempo runs, VO2 Max, and lactate threshold. But what does this all mean? What is a tempo run? And why are tempo runs so important? In short, tempo running teaches your body to hold a […]
A return to running training plan you’ll want to guide you back to running
Are you ready to return to running after an injury but don’t quite know where to start? How should you return to running again after an injury without getting hurt? That’s where this return to running training plan can help. This return to running program gives you a framework instead of specific times, miles, or […]
4 top tips on how to return to running after an injury
Got this question? “How should I return to running after an injury?” Should you jump right back into running? Or start from scratch? The short answer is, that it depends on your injury and the length of time you took off from running. The longer you have been away from running, the more time you […]
What’s a good running goal for you? This can help you decide
Have you settled on a running goal this year? Should you… Run a marathon? Or aim to run faster than you have before? So where should you go from here? What’s a good running goal for you? Today, we’ll break it down into several types of running goals to inspire your running this year. Let’s […]
How to enjoy running (again) | 4 tips to help you enjoy running
New runner or not, we all go through times when running isn’t enjoyable or as enjoyable as it once was. Go for a run? No thanks. So how do you find the motivation for running and the enjoyment you once had? That’s what we’ll dive into in this post—you’ll learn four tips on how to […]
How to strengthen your legs for running | 7 leg workouts for runners
Any leg workouts for runners you can work into your weekly routine can help you resist fatigue and transform you into an efficient runner. And if you’re a runner, you probably have these questions: The good news is, leg strengthening exercises for runners aren’t complicated, nor does it require fancy equipment. So let’s dive right […]
How to use cycling workouts for runners to help your running
Cycling can have a spot in your weekly running routine to help your running endurance. But how should you combine cycling and running in a way that makes you a better runner? We’ll dive into the details in this post, from: Let’s get started. DOES CYCLING HELP WITH RUNNING? Cycling can help your running in […]